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« Laos Poem | Main | Magic »


Red, blue, yellow
Colors engage senses

Dust coffee rice
Home zone bamboo ice
Vocal chords
Language cultures
Eye-heart-hand shadow puppets

Music cleans ears

A professional stranger shows up
Among whisper smiles
Old man with bamboo staff coughs
Walks as voices decipher meaning’s intention

Plainclothes officer cleans glasses
With what they don’t know or understand
White paper

A girl loving geography
Lights four incense sticks with gratitude
Prays for good luck health and wealth

Dance now think later
Zen meditation
Line shading color
Burma, Laos, Cambodia - verbal and visual stories, imagination,

love, play, dreams, intuition, instinct, preparation,

luck and skill throw a party
Everyone is invited to the play

Grow Your Soul

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