Timothy M. Leonard's books on Goodreads
A Century Is Nothing A Century Is Nothing
ratings: 4 (avg rating 4.50)

The Language Company The Language Company
ratings: 2 (avg rating 5.00)

Subject to Change Subject to Change
ratings: 2 (avg rating 4.50)

Ice girl in Banlung Ice girl in Banlung
ratings: 2 (avg rating 4.50)

Finch's Cage Finch's Cage
ratings: 2 (avg rating 3.50)

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Strive to be intuitive, spontaneous,
and simple.
Travel lighter,
journey farther,
survive longer.
- Lao Tzu
He's a prescient peripatetic ESL linguistic gardener, Vietnam veteran, writer and photographer in Asia.
His site celebrates life, art, travel, stories, cultures, diversity, beauty, serious mischief and ephemerals.
When you drink water consider the source.

The University of Life provides evolutionary educational evidence as humans experiment
with symbolic metaphorical ideograms. He has nothing to say and he's saying it.

"Experience is your education. Everything else is information." - Einstein
Writers are shamans. We go into the mountains and come back with visions for our tribe.
Our holy assignment.


It's a picaresque wandering book. It's got juice.
Creative nonfiction. Literary journalism. System analysis. Social autopsy. Global storytelling.
Five genius kid friends explore, learn, share and have fun.
May 2024.

Journal notes, prose poems, street photography and art from Nepal, Turkey, Cambodia and Laos.
Creative nonfiction. System analysis and social autopsy.
March 2024.

Gonzo journalism. Creative nonfiction. Jazz prose poetry.

Life experience. System analysis and social autopsy.

Genius kid friends share adventures and stories.

This is a flawed masterpiece.

Everything you need to know is in this book. August 2023.

Creative nonfiction, systems analysis and social autopsy.
Five genius kid storytellers gather, explore and share adventures in Cambodia, Indonesia, Turkey, Vietnam and Utopia. March 2021.

Creative nonfiction, systems analysis and social autopsy. Five genius kid storytellers gather, explore and share adventures in Cambodia, Turkey, Indonesia, Vietnam and Utopia. January 2021.
Sketches (V1) - Line Drawings and Watercolors from Laos & Cambodia. November 2020.
Humans should talk less and draw more.

 51 Days in Turkey, Satire and curiosity explore Trabzon and Geresun, Turkey with diamond mind wisdom.
Quality of life. Education reality on the ground. Creative nonfiction. March 2020.

ART,  - Adventure, Risk, Transformation, a memoir, covers 1997-2002. Backstory includes Colorado childhood and a year in Nam when I cheated death. I was in Morocco on 9/11. Writing in Spain, satire and facts met creativity and humor. October 2019. 


Grow Your Soul, poems and esoteric magic. February 2019. 

Transcribed from a journal Sept 2016 - August 2017 in Laos & Cambodia. Live broadly, write boldly.  

Weaving A Life (Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4) collections of creative nonfiction, journalism, travel and memoir
exploring diverse cultures. April 2017.

The Language Company Creative nonfiction. Journalism facts. Literary imagination.

October 2014.

The narrator is an English facilitator, journalist, photographer and nomad.
He brings good luck to everyone he meets. 
He helps others develop courage with curiosity and humor. Ha.

TLC blends facts, history and creative imagination. Current social and cultural awareness in Asia and Turkey. He lived in Turkey in 2008-2009 and returned in 2012. Field notes document the reality.
  • A Little BS, creative nonfiction about facitating English, critical thinking skills, teamwork, chess and having fun with 100 H'mong students in Phonsavan, Laos. 11,959 invisible word worlds.
  • My Name is Tam, nonfiction erotica. A Vietnamese woman sells her skin in Cambodia.
  • Ice Girl in BanlungSelling ice she dreams being an independent author in Banlung, Ratanakri, Cambodia, a wild west town near The River of Darkness.
  • Photography books.
  • Street 21, images from Yangon, Burma, 2015.
  • Journeys, a photography book of Asia, 2012.

You are a fluke of the universe. Take advantage of it.

One life, no plan, many adventures. 

You can't step in the same river twice.

Celebrate your integrity and authenticity. No attachment, no desire.

Joyful existence. Practice love, awareness, tolerance and compassion with gratitude. 

Suffering is an illusion.
Fear is ignorance.

Live broadly, create boldly.

Vita brevis,
ars longa,
occasio praeceps,
experimentum periculosum,
iudicium difficile.
Life is short,
and art long,
opportunity fleeting,
experience perilous,
and decision difficult.

Life gives us art and we use art to celebrate life.

Art, like life, follows the creative path of nature, not the values of human society.

A poet, like a gardener or chef, loves everything because they need everything.

Live forever.

Lao girl reflects her happy world.


Walker, your footsteps are the road, and nothing more.
Walker, there is no road, the road is
made by walking.

Walking, you make the road, and turning to look behind you see the path

you will never walk again.

Walker, there is no road, only foam trails on the sea. - Antonio Machado