Beatific Shy Lover
|Masks hide the consciousness of fear.
Molecular structure.
Reconnected with a beatific shy lover on the edge of town after 17 dazed.
The dirt road is lined with salons, massage parlors brown hearts and shattered dreams.
Her thin gentleness is tempered by the fear of others,
the ugly fat one is disappointed in memory.
No one wants me.
Others eat vegetables.
She has a diamond implanted in a canine.
The two of them stay behind a curtain. Plywood walls.
They have an hour.
She is not impatient. They accept the implied unspoken gentle nature, the infrequent dressing.
All her clothes fit in a plastic box. The mattress is thinner than her. Two pillows.
Her cell phone and used phone cards litter a Boeing 747 used as a table.
She is 20+ and rail thin. He considered taking her away to the coast. Another poor girl will take her place. They never go. The coast is too far away.
The absurd human condition is illuminated in a nano-second.
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