Timothy M. Leonard's books on Goodreads
A Century Is Nothing A Century Is Nothing
ratings: 4 (avg rating 4.50)

The Language Company The Language Company
ratings: 2 (avg rating 5.00)

Subject to Change Subject to Change
ratings: 2 (avg rating 4.50)

Ice girl in Banlung Ice girl in Banlung
ratings: 2 (avg rating 4.50)

Finch's Cage Finch's Cage
ratings: 2 (avg rating 3.50)

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Life is a beach then you fly.

You sit on a bamboo chair next to bald water sport mannequins wearing snorkeling masks, Lycra shorts, inflatable vests and dusty flippers. They are chained to the wall to prevent mermaids, nymphs and water sprite thieves.

Birds twitter in hydra grandma trees. Slow gentle blue-green waves brush a long empty shore day after day.

Across a red dirt road are bamboo and wooden shacks disguised as guesthouses and restaurants.

Signs litter little red road: Island Tours, Laundry Service, Boat Trips, Late Night Pizza, Sand Removal Renovation, Transport & More, Green House Effect with excellent bookstore…

Mushroom Villa, Dance Until You Die, My Kind of Place, Sandy Crotch Heaven, Barefoot Only the Lonely, European Spoken Here, Massage To Go…

We Serve Sad Depressed Super Serious Fat White Rich Humans Like Russian Mafia and Rude Pushy Inconsiderate Chinese.

We Are All Refugees When Everything Is Said and Done 24/7.

Digs run $15-100 a night. Gypsies, Backpackers, Europeans, Japanese and Chinese.

Selfie nirvana.

Here I am on the shore with arms raised. Here I am drinking beer with friends. Here I am all wet. Here I am doing absolutely nothing in particular and everything in general. Here I am in a sitting meditation with universal mindfulness. I am a rainbow.

Ice java runs $1-1.50 

Pay For View

Grow Your Soul - Prose & Poems from Laos and Cambodia


Life is a Beach

Overnight sleeper bus to Sin Oak Ville
The new coastal Chinatown casino royal
All bets are off

 Moto to Otres Beach
Sand sunrise defending quiet
Footprints gentle water waves beat shore

Spit in the ocean
Zen sitting meditation visions H2O
Bliss day sun water

European sun walkers white tan ageless retirees
Sound sand in water
Edges of the day from gentle morning through

Heat into restless sunset - meditation focus
Ebb and flow
Strangers in paradise...
Blue skies night 1/4 star clear

Fernando Pessoa

Waves of love
Hang by a thread
Meditate on the truth of emptiness
Embrace beauty and tranquility


Grow Your Soul - Prose and Poems from Laos & Cambodia



Dirt path yellow flowers
Kids collect plastic bottles and cardboard treasures
Resale value
Slow Sunday in a random universe of unlimited potential

Enter the zone of stone
Machines, street food sellers, LOVE balloons
Black and orange butterfly lifts into air from stagnant water


Composure present grounded with music curious eyes
Pregnant pigments
A new Joker card complements
Old Joker discovered on ground inside Lao market
Near the Plain of Jars
4,000 years ago
Pocket talisman

Little red house over yonder

Where my baby used to stay

PSP music from sleeping room

Razor blade coagulates in water stone 

Two dogs sleep in sultry shade

Old woman with broken teeth curls into hammock

Destined to be


Wooden red dusty 2x4 entrance planks small ditch

Littered with plastic bags bottles and shy language


Curious kids ask what is your name? Sky.

Market laughter congratulates broken light silhouettes

A girl on a wooden platform

Fingering green leaves, condiments - her radiant smile

Adult children play rocky feely tag

Green girl yawns


Ah the sweet smell of garbage this human accumulation

Tangy spoiled fruit aroma gift-wrapped, bows tinsel moldy memories

Smiling familiar stranger wanders from spicy bean curd noodles

2 ice java

Imaging fractured light

One-armed old beggar man sitting down at the crossroads

Smiles “hello uncle” give him Real notes pass by

Let’s have an adventure

Rhythm of sunlight

Broken tattered umbrellas

Red dust path


Haiku impermanence passes through

Senses are limited

4:55 sunset heavy motorcycle traffic on red dust shoulder

Antiquated dump trucks rumble toward solemn flags


Play the 125cc thrill like Mars in 200 years

Children walk life choices and destiny’s decision

Quality of life torments

A child in a sling (first human vehicle)

Perched on a young girl's hip...

Grow Your Soul


Passing Through

Smiling makes you happy

Diamond mind wisdom

Women lay out golden chains

Men yak in phones

Gleaming significance weighs inlaid rubies, sapphires

Black Nil stones harvested from deep Earth

Glitter like 1000 stars

Path leads past mannequins

Wearing fashionable silent plastic splendor 

Unloading facsimiles of threaded prayers flowing from a woman’s mouth

Answer stirs ice

Question stabs ice

Scientific dissolution in liquid’s formless form

Shy beyond description

-    a girl weighs lettuce hills

-    cucumbers whisper adjustments

-    cell phone eliminates an old man's loneliness

-    a sharp hatchet congratulates bloody meat

-    a woman stabs ice memories

-    dead dog’s head rests on a counter

 Ice coffee is bitter sweet my sweet

Hammock infant swings high/low

Contemplating an old woman

Stepping through puddles carrying a plastic bag with two tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, daily bread

Eye contact dissolves in the wake up

Sing song chopsticks carry an infant

Wide-eyed catastrophic entropy factoid

Coconut, sewing machine, hyena laughter

Small talk, broken light vegetables green life

Where do you stay, asked man.

I stay in blue sky

Is it a hotel? A guesthouse? No it is blue sky.

Pure land poetry

Jazz poem


Passing through

Professional stranger

Ghost Other

Eye hand heart – two won’t do

Show up sit awhile smile draw meditate on emptiness

Witness point line shadow less form




Rhythm of place

Grow Your Soul



Create like a god, order like a king, work like a slave

Work like you don’t need the money

Love like your heart’s never been broken

Dance like nobody’s looking

I am a short story

You are a novel

 Her Zen like awareness

Stoic serene

Shamanic wisdom seeks wisdom


Everything I do is an experiment

Create happy little accidents

There are no mistakes in art

Art is what everything else is not

Laughter medicine

Spill letters words phrases sentences

Chinese financed damns block flow

(One damn on the Nam Ou River north of Luang Prabang)


Sell electricity to Thailand

Lights are on and nobody's home

Lao suffer land fish loss

Environmental damage, economic stress

Downstream in Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam

60 million people struggle to survive

Rapid spray...fresh air skin laughter

After she stopped crying

The lonely woman

Killed herself

Where is my face, said her mask

Eating her face

Waif on her own walks along Mekong

In a flow state

Bare structure angular momentum

Ballet dancer on point

Permanently poised

Dance energy sways hips

Shift down all the days walking a gentle rolling


    Live your story

Welcome to Earth

Grow Your Soul