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“Great writers invent their own world, a totality of the experience…literature does not tell the truth but makes it up.” - Nabokov

Morning peace overcast wild waves
Healing process slow and gentle

Healing ointment waves language wind

Your skin is my skin, said Meow
Zen of Needle

Being present


Be a work of art or wear a work of art


European man
Next to wife
Tamed by retirement inspects Espresso
Spoons top layer
Savors 1/2
Eats cookie
Swirls 1/2
Facial satisfaction
Replaces white cup
Yes speaks to sun baked wife good
Offshore a white sailboat catches a steady wind as she goes eye captain

Tacking for a green island
Two obese Russian women with breasts like unexplored planets
Slather on sunblock

As a Khmer woman selling orange lobsters
From a balanced head pan
Spills small words
Competing for voice articulation

With a Khmer nanny dressing white children
Before they constructed sand castles

Talk Story
Discuss common sense
Not very common
The world of forms/ideas

Form is emptiness
Emptiness is form
Forms in natural world

Basho said, if you want to know a tree go to a tree.

World of ideas


  Grow Your Soul - Prose and Poems from Laos & Cambodia


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